Monday, December 3, 2007

Ronald Reagan

Hi again!
Sorry haven't posted anything new lately but it's been a bit hectic on many fronts. Anyway, wanted to show you this drawing I did a couple of years ago; a client called up asking for a reprint. I really enjoy drawing faces from different angles. I wish more people in general would have pictures taken from all sorts of views so that our work gets a bit more exciting than it already is.


Tim Bye said...

Amazing work - such great control! I agree about different facial perspectives - perhaps the media camera-men need to find some more crazy perches to shoot from!

SEILER said...

Ismael, this is one of the best Reagan's ever done!

Jorge Restrepo H. said...

No dejo de impresionarme. Mucha calidad como siempre. Tremenda perspectiva, el trazo fluido y la captura de la esencia del personaje.

Ismael Roldan said...

Hi Tim:
Yes, I agree... We can only wish some photographers would give us a hand getting nice shots from different angles to make our eyes more productive and rich; no matter the subject especially CEO's!!! : )

Hey Jason:
WOW!!! THANKS MUCH....As you know, some characters help do our job.

Gracias... Como comento arriba a los colegas: La fotos ayudan y ojala mas fotografos nos dieran la mano con distintos angulos mas a menudo; y obviamente algunos personajes simplemente "estan ahi".

Unknown said...

Me parece fantástica. Me gustan tus caricaturas y me encantaría conocer tu opinión sobre las mías.