Wishing you all Health, Work and plenty of inside Peacefulness in this brand new year.
Here's something different. I used to do comic strips ages ago; came up with different characters. One of them is this one here: Damnac. A very angry guy who used to get upset very easily. I did 6 pages for a humor magazine while at the university, but never pursued it at a more serious/professional level. Comics is a whole different/intricate ball game and I always was too much into Caricature.
Hope you enjoy.
That's pretty cool to see Ismael, neat to see something different from you. You would have been a very good comic book artist too.
Hi Jason my friend and colleague!
Thanks. Yeah, till I found how difficult it is to keep up with pages and backgrounds and all the rest.
Caricature was/is/will be my true love. Comics is a whole different world.
COOL! I love comic books and caricature - neat to see you mix them together! Great work!
Qué tal maestro Roldán, su website me trajo a su blog. He venido viendo su trabajo en revistas de NY, en American Showcase y hasta recuerdo el programa Talentos dedicado a usted... lo felicito por su excelente trabajo y su gran trayectoria.
Hi Ismael...I noticed your website. Your work is fabulous and very inspiring. Could you tell me which medium is the Abraham Lincoln, Mike Tyson and Santana done in in your website? I'm assuming the main two mediums you work in are Acrylics and Colored pencils?
Hola Ismael!! , tanto tiempo!! , no sabía que tenías este blog , cómo estás?
Como siempre , muy buenos trabajos!!!
Nice to found your blog Ismael been a while since i havent speaked with you, I still keep your sketch religiously. All the best.
Cuellar, Diego, Nelson!
Solo ahora es que leo sus comentarios. Gracias por los mismos. Deberiamos de mantenernos en contacto via email. Escriban que yo les respondo. Esto del Blog yo no lo chequeo muy a menudo de ahi mi tardanza!
Hasta una proxima.
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